Fairview Park employees donate for local food drive
Dublin, GA – Fairview Park Hospital employees recently donated over $1,500 and over 1,000 pounds of canned goods as the hospital held its second Healthy Food for Healthier Tomorrows Food Drive in partnership with HCA. All donated canned goods will go to food pantries local to Dublin-Laurens County, and, additionally, the hospital will have the opportunity to be granted up to $10,000 to be donated to regional and local food pantries or food banks. Last year, Fairview was granted $15,000 as HCA issued a creative challenge for its hospitals, asking them to create a sculpture from the canned goods donations they received. Fairview was pleased to be granted 1st place for their division and 3rd place nationally. The $15,000 granted to Fairview Park Hospital was given to a food bank that directly feeds the food pantries in Dublin-Laurens County.
“We were so thrilled to be granted $15,000 last year. It just goes to show that small investments by each employee can quickly have a huge impact on our community. Five, ten, fifteen dollars from multiple employees can quickly turn into thousands of dollars to help those in need”, commented Liz Green, Director of Communications & Community Engagement. “We are only in our second year of hosting this food drive, and it has quickly become a favorite giving opportunity. Once you prove to yourself that you can have a noticeable impact, it makes you want to give even more, and that is what makes me so proud to work at Fairview and for HCA. We are always encouraged to look at those around us and ask ourselves, ‘What can we do to help?&rsdqo;”
This year, they have set an even higher bar for their sculpture as they hope to bring at least $10,000 right back to Dublin-Laurens County. They have begun construction on their 2024 Healthy Food for Healthier Tomorrows sculpture and look forward to unveiling it to the community after the Thanksgiving holidays.