Fairview Park Hospital has started February off with a month-long goal of educating hospital employees and the community about heart health.
"February is always a month that we present a strong focus on Heart Health for our community, our patients and faculty," says Dr. Travis Jasper, Medical Director of the Emergency Department at Fairview Park Hospital. "Not only is it important for you to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to suppress your risks, but it's also important to know what other factors are involved in heart health, such as family history, age and gender, and smoking and tobacco use. Talk to your doctor to assess these risks and help you improve the health of your heart."
Upcoming events hosted by Fairview Park Hospital to highlight Heart Month include:
FPH Steps Challenge: Community Steps Event
A vital part of Heart Health is exercising and motivating yourself to be active. With this challenge, participants are committing to set a steps goal for the month of February while competing with others in the contest. Winners from the hospital staff and the community will be selected at the end of the month for those with the highest step count.
Free pedometers are available at the hospital while supplies last. Sign up for the challenge at the hospital's front desk: 200 Industrial Boulevard in Dublin. Participants are encouraged to join at any time!
Heart Healthy Meals in the Emerald Café: Eating Right Encourages Heart Health
Stop by the Emerald Café located inside of Fairview Park Hospital for delicious and heart healthy food options to support Heart Month. Weekly menus will be provided at the café upon request, and healthy options will be available daily during meal hours: Breakfast (7:00 - 10:00am), Lunch (11:00 - 2:00pm), Dinner (3:30 - 5:00pm).
Community Blood Pressure Checks
Saturday, February 23 | 9:00am - Noon (Drop in)
Dublin Mall, 20015 Veterans Blvd
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is supported when you know your risks for heart disease. Join our staff for FREE Blood Pressure (BP) screenings to receive an assessment and to understand more about your risks of heart related illnesses.
H2U Monthly Breakfast Featuring Heart Healthy Living: Having a Heart-to-Heart Talk
Thursday, February 28 | 9:00am
First Baptist Church Family Life Center
Bring your H2U friends to the February breakfast featuring Fairview Park Hospital's Director of Cardiology and Chest Pain Coordinator to speak on ways to help our members live the health of their hearts.
Become a Health To You (H2U) member and join our event by calling (478) 274-3640.
Taking Care of You: Heart Health Seminar for Women
Thursday, February 28 | 5:30pm
Fairview Park Hospital Classroom
Join us for a free seminar, ladies. In today's day and time it's hard to stop and ask yourself "Am I taking care of me?" Taking care of yourself can be fun and easy! Join us for a free discussion about easy and practical ways to eat better and stay heart healthy. Dr. Francisco Jacome will be on site to share heart healthy tips to help you change your habits for better health. Free blood pressure checks available.
Register to attend this seminar by calling (478) 738-6277 or by visiting Fairview Park Hospital.