On April 26th, Fairview Park Hospital joined the community of Laurens County for the annual Relay for Life event, hosted at Dublin High School. The teams of sponsors participating in the event consist of cancer survivors, families, caregivers, businesses, local faith-based groups, and clubs from the surrounding area that raise donations and awareness for cancer research. On June 3rd, Fairview Park Hospital presented a check to the Relay for Life Event Chair, Lisa Wicker, for a donation of $4,000, making them the top donor for the 2019 event. These funds were raised throughout the year by hospital employees, physicians, administration, and members of the community, all for the goal of helping fund cancer research for the American Cancer Society.
"Relay for Life is a special event that brings our community together to honor individuals who have fought bravely against the merciless disease of cancer," says Lisa Wicker, Event Chair for the 2019 Relay for Life. "This year's event was certainly no different. I am proud of Laurens County for attending and supporting one another to help create a world with more birthdays." She also sends a special thanks to the Relay committee, team captains, participants, and sponsors for making the event such as success.
Relay for Life is a community-based, volunteer-driven event that honors survivors and caregivers, remembers those lost to the disease, and fights for a cure to cancer. The event begins with a Survivor Lap, an inspiring time where survivors are honored by participants in support of their incredible fight. One of the most memorable experiences during the night is the Luminaria Ceremony, where everyone has the opportunity to light candles and take a moment to honor those who have beat the disease, those who are still fighting, and those who have courageously fought but have lost their lives to cancer.
Since 1985, Relay for Life has transformed from one man running around a track for 24 hours raising $27,000 to a global event hosted in more than 6,100 communities and more than 25 countries worldwide.
To learn more about Relay for Life, visit relayforlife.org or call (888) 227-2345.
The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. As a global grassroots force of more than three million volunteers, we fight for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community.